LINQ: How to write queries with complex join conditions

This small post is a follow-up of my previous post in which I discussed some common scenarios and how we can handle them in our LINQ queries. This time, we will see how to write queries that have not-so-simple conditions as join predicates. Note that LINQ directly supports only equi-joins, that is, joins based on equal conditions. Hence, for simple primary / foreign key fields, we can simply use the syntax:

from c in Customers
join o in Orders on c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID

For composite primary / foreign keys, we need to create an anonymous type with same data type and member names in the join predicate:

from c in Customers
join o in Orders on new {c.CompanyID, c.CustomerID} equals {o.CompanyID, o.CustomerID}

However, sometimes, we have join predicates that do not check equality, e.g. our join condition is based on a between check as in the following T-SQL query.

Select ..
 from Order o
 join AccountingPeriod ap
  on o.OrderDate between ap.PeriodStart and ap.PeriodEnd

Such situation can be handled in LINQ by using an always true join condition and transferring the join predicate to the where part. Here’s the LINQ translation for the above SQL query:

from o in dc.Orders
join ap in dc.AccountingPeriods on true equals true
where o.OrderDate >= ap.PeriodStart && o.OrderDate <= ap.PeriodEnd
select …

Ane even better version as pointed by zn00p in the comments section is:

from o in dc.Orders
from ap in dc.AccountingPeriods 
where o.OrderDate >= ap.PeriodStart && o.OrderDate <= ap.PeriodEnd
select …

Notice that this concept is valid for inner joins only. Since for inner joins, the join predicate can be moved to the where part of the TSQL query. The above trick is valid for both LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities (Entity Framework).

LINQ: How to build complex queries utilizing deferred execution and anonymous types

While working with LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities (Entitiy Framework), I really appreciate and utilize the deferred execution capabilities, i.e. the queries are not materialized (sent to server) until they are needed. This great feature can help us to construct our query in several steps and then send a single optimized TSQL version to the database for processing. This approach is similar to our application of CTE (Common Table Expressions) in T-SQL, with which we can build our T-SQL queries in small manageable steps and then finally run a single optimized query on the database. This post will present some scenarios to show how we can utilize the deferred execution capabilities and anonymous types to build complex queries in LINQ.

Read the rest of this entry »

C#: Left outer joins with LINQ

I always considered Left Outer Join in LINQ to be complex until today when I had to use it in my application. I googled and the first result gave a very nice explanation. The only difference between ordinary joins (inner joins) and left joins in LINQ is the use of “join into” and “DefaultIfEmpty()” expressions.

Consider this very simple query (Assuming a scenario that not all the TimesheetLines are associated with a Job)

Select TL.EntryDate, TL.Hours, J.JobName
From TimeSheetLines TL
Left Join Jobs J on TL.JobNo=J.JobNo

A LINQ query using inner join is

var lines =
    from tl in db.TimeSheetLines
    join j  in db.Jobs on tl.JobNo equals j.JobNo
    where tl.ResourceNo == resourceNo

    select new
        EntryDate = tl.EntryDate,
        Hours = tl.Hours,
        Job = j.JobName

And a LINQ query performing left join is

var lines =
    from tl in db.TimeSheetLines
    join j  in db.Jobs on tl.JobNo equals j.JobNo into tl_j
    where tl.ResourceNo == resourceNo

    from j in tl_j.DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new
        EntryDate = tl.EntryDate,
        Hours = tl.Hours,
        Job = j.JobName

Notice that the only difference is the use of “into” with the join statement followed by reselecting the result using “DefaultIfEmpty()” expression. And here’s the generated SQL for the above LINQ expression.

SELECT [t0].[EntryDate] as [EntryDate], [t0].[Hours] as [Hours], [t1].[JobName] AS [Job]
FROM [dbo].[TimeSheetLine] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Jobs] AS [t1] ON [t0].[JobNo] = [t1].[JobNo]
WHERE [t0].[ResourceNo] = @p0

Another LINQ version which is more compact is:

var lines =
    from tl in db.TimeSheetLines
    from j in db.Jobs.Where(j=>j.JobNo == tl.JobNo).DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new
        EntryDate = tl.EntryDate,
        Hours = tl.Hours,
        Job = j.JobName

Similarly, this concept can be expanded for multiple left joins. Assuming that a TimeSheetLine will either have a JobNo or an IndirectCode, consider this SQL query:

Select TL.EntryDate, TL.Hours, J.JobName, I.IndirectName
From TimeSheetLines TL
Left Join Jobs J on TL.JobNo=J.JobNo
Left Join Indirects I on TL.IndirectCode=I.IndirectCode

The equivalent LINQ query is:

var lines =
    from tl in db.TimeSheetLines
    join j in db.Jobs      on tl.JobNo        equals j.JobNo         into tl_j
    join i in db.Indirects on tl.IndirectCode equals i.IndirectCode  into tl_i
    where tl.ResourceNo == resourceNo

    from j in tl_j.DefaultIfEmpty()
    from i in tl_i.DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new
        EntryDate = tl.EntryDate,
        Hours = tl.Hours,
        Job = j.JobName,
        Indirect = i.IndirectName,

And the generated SQL is:

SELECT [t0].[EntryDate] as [EntryDate], [t0].[Hours] as [Hours], [t1].[JobName] AS [Job], [t2].[IndirectName] As [Indirect]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Jobs] AS [t1] ON [t0].[JobNo] = [t1].[JobNo]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Indirects] AS [t2] ON [t0].[IndirectCode] = [t2].[IndirectCode]
WHERE [t0].[ResourceNo] = @p0

That’s all, left outer joins in LINQ are as easy as in T-SQL. Happy joining.

Notice that this post describes the approach to perform a Left Outer Join in LINQ To SQL as well as Entity Framework (version 4). The same is not true for Entity Framework version 3.5 since it does not support the DefaultIfEmpty keyword. To perform Left Outer Joins with Entity Framework 3.5, we need to create appropriate relationships (e.g 0..1 to 0..Many) in our Entity Model and they will be automatically translated into TSQL’s Left Join clause.